Best Sunscreen For Sun Protection and Sunscreen Lotion For Skin

Winter, summer, Monsoon any time should not be stopped to use sunscreen. The intensity of the sun impressed on our skin very badly. So, we should use sunscreen according to the type of skin. Let’s see what type of sunscreen useful for our skin.

best sunscreen for sun protection
Best Sunscreen

What kind of sunscreen suitable for skin:

For oily skin:

Should not be used any common sunscreen for oily skin. This leads to irritation of acne. For oily skin, must huge of water that is to say water-based sunscreen should be chosen. As a result, you can get rid of sunny and skin problems. You have to use more than 30 levels of SPF sunscreens featuring moisturizing ingredients.

If you want to know how to get rid oily skin see the article here: How to get rid of oily skin.

For dry and rough skin:

We need to use a different kind of sunscreen for the dry and rough skin. If you use simple sunscreen on your skin then the dry skin and rough skin become more dry and rough.  So, you have to select moisturizer sunscreen for the dry and rough skin. At the same time use sunscreen more than 30 level of SPF.

For normal skin:

There is no need too much verify to select the sunscreen for normal skin. Because 30 to 50 level SPF sunscreens work well for normal skin. You should use good waterproof sunscreen for normal skin. As a result, when skin will be sweated the sunscreens remain on the skin.


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