Beauty tips for face after facial

Here are some important healthy and beauty tips for you. Hopefully it might help you to get proper skin. Every women loves pampering her skin. So they must used to facial once or twice a month. But most of them don't know how can they keep beauty after the facial. Don't know what is allowed or not allowed after the facial for most care of skin. Don't worry I'm here to provide your beauty tips and to make you so conscious about your skin. If you don't know what should do to get the most glowing and beautiful face after facial.
The most valuable beauty tips are given below:
Beauty tips for face
Beauty tips for face

No Steam Bath:

After the facial, most of the people take steam bath. But it’s have no needed after the facial. Do you know why?? Because in some facial used to steam as ingredient like others ingredient to make your skin so beautiful. So don't take steam bath after the facial. It can be reduced the brightness of your skin, if you take steam bath after facial.

Don't use Face Wash or Soap:

Don't use harsh or soaps or face wash in the next 12 hours, if you used to bleach facial cream. It would be better for your skin if don't use anything to face for 12 hours after the facial. You should avoid using soap, any cream and face wash after the facial.

Don't need massage:

If your skin is so thin and sensitive, you should avoid to massage after facial. If you use any massage after facial, your skin will affect with a lot of red spots. So don't use any massage for three days after the facial.

Homemade Mask:

You don't need apply homemade mask after a facial. Especially which mask made by vegetables or fruit's peel. Because most of them are contain with Alpha-hydroxy acid and vitamin A, this ingredients bring your skin reddish color. So don't apply homemade makes for two or three days after the facial.
Beauty tips for face
Beauty tips for face

Stay Away From Sun:

After the facial, skin becomes more delicate. So it is important to protect the skin from sun. Stay away from sun and relax at home after the facial. Otherwise your skin will burn easily in the sun. UV rays may affect on your skin and the pores and for the purpose of the facial becomes wasted.


Don't apply make-up within 7 hours after the facial. It would be better for your skin. Itching or irritation may occur due to make -up after the facial. So you should avoid to apply make- up after facial. In many cosmetics contains artificial colors or perfume which shouldn't used at all after the facial.


If you have pimples on the face, then wait until it disappears completely before the facial. But after the facial, many Acne can be occurs on the skin. At the time, you must be careful about your skin. This time, you mustn't touch or play with any zits or pimples after the facial. Now here are some beauty tips which may also help you to be conscious,
* Drinking plenty of water everyday for beautiful skin.
*just wash your skin with cold water for 24 hours after the facial.
*If you want to use anything, you must use branded moisturizing cream.

* To keep glowing skin, you must apply facial once a month.


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