Diseases Transmitted By Human Feces - Excreta Borne Disease

Excreta Borne Disease

1. Bacterial:

2. Viral:
  • Infective hepatitis
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Rotavirus diarrhea
  • Roundworm
  • Hookworm
  • Threadworm
  • Tapeworm.
(C) Effect on health and economy
The ultimate result of excreta-related health hazards are-
1.     Increased morbidity
2.     Increased mortality
3.     Low expectation of life
4.     Diminished physical capacity and fitness.
5.     Diminished labor force
6.     Low economic output
7.     The basic barrier of social and economic progress.

Diseases Transmitted By Human Feces - Excreta Borne Disease

Human excreta is a source of infection. It is an important cause of environmental pollution. Every society has a responsibility for its safe removal and disposal so that it does not constitute a threat to public health. The HEALTH HAZARDS or improper excreta disposal are:
1.     Soil pollution,
2.     Water pollution,
3.     Contamination of foods and Propagation of flies. The resulting diseases are typhoid and paratyphoid fever, dysenteries , diarrheas, cholera, hookworm disease, ascariasis, viral hepatitis and similar other a burden on the community in terms of sickness, mortality and a low expectation of life, but a basic deterrent to social and economic progress. Proper disposal of human excreta, therefore, is a fundamental environmental health service without which there cannot be any improvement in the state of community health.

How disease is carried from excreta:

Let us consider how the faecal-borne diseases are transmitted to a new host. The human excreta of a sick person or a career of disease is the main focus of infection. It contains the disease agent which is transmitted to a new host through various channels:
  • Water.
  • Fingers
  • Flies
  • Soil and 
  • Food. These events are shown in...

Diseases Transmitted By Human Feces - Excreta Borne Disease

Prevention of excreta borne diseases:

it is interesting to note that all faecal-borne diseases are controllable and preventable through good sanitation, especially through sanitary excreta disposal. In the transmission of these diseases there is a chain of events such as-

1.      A causative agent.
2.      A reservoir of the source of infection.
3.      A mode3 of transmission to the new host.
4.      A mode of entry and of course.
5.      A susceptible host.
6.     This disease cycle may be broken at various levels, e.g.
7.      Segregation of faces
8.      Protection of water supplies
9.      Protection of foods
10.  Personal hygiene and

11.  Control of flies of these, the most effective step would be to segregate the faces and arrange for its proper sanitary disposal, So that the disease agent can not reach the new host, directly or indirectly.


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