What Is Population Earth Population And Problems

Population problems:

Bangladesh has a large population with the highest density in the third word as well as high growth rate.
The population size was estimated at 123.80 million in January 1997,the natural growth rate being 1.755 per annum. In the census of 2001, the number of population was increased to about 130 million, with a net increase of 6 million; where in the long run , say by the year 2010, there will be a net increase of 42.74 million people. Such an increase of population will have several adverse implications for our socioeconomic development.

What Is Population Earth Population And Problems

1. The most serious implication of population growth will be observed in the social sector. For instance, the number of enrolled students in primary education was 17.3 million in 1995 giving 92% net enrollment rate while the teacher-student ratio was 1.90. The government is committed to ensuring universal primary education and improve teacher-students ratio to 1:50,it will require almost  double the present level of resource to provide more teachers, classroom facilities, equipment’s and institutions.

2. A dismal scenario can be observed in the health sector where both primary and specialized health care services are still inadequate. Here, a serious demand for services exists for doctors, nurses, medicine, hospital care and so on. At present, the doctor-population ratio is 1:5606, hospital bed-population ratio is 1:3231 and per capita health expenditure is Tk. 135 per annum. If the existing facilities are to be improved at a satisfactory level, then per capita health expenditure to cover the entire population will have to be doubled.

What Is Population Earth Population And Problems

3. There will be immediate on land. At present, population density is 850 persons per sq.km. which will further increase to 913 persons in 2002 and 1,130 persons in 2020 per SQ. km. This is adversely affecting existing man-land ratio of 1: 18 decimal. Due to population increase, this will further deteriorate which means that the number of landless people will increase tremendously further aggravating the poverty situation.

4. The total land space of which only two-thirds is presently arable will be attenuated further. This will have an obvious adverse impact on per capita food production and food availability for the growing population.

What Is Population Earth Population And Problems

5.  Due to population growth momentum, a number of working age population (15-59 years) is projected to increase 66.6 million in 1997 to 80.2 million in 2002; 98.0 million in 2010 ; and 109.1 million in 2020 . Hence, the economy will have to create more job opportunities to employ its working age population to generate income and thereby, alleviate poverty.

6. The increase in population will adversely affect both GDP and GNP growth per capita.

What is Intranatal Care - Antenatal Screening

*Intranatal care is the care of the mother of the delivery.
# Basic principles of intranatal care :
1) Prevention of infection.
2) Prevention of dehydration and mitosis of the mother;
3) Relief of pain.
4) Prevention of trauma to the infant and mother.
5) Readiness to deal with complications such as prolonged labor, antepartum, hemorrhage, postpartum hemorrhage, convulsions, malpresentation, prolapse of the cord etc.

# objects of intranatal care:

1) To ensure that the mother receives the best available care during delivery.
2) To prevent maternal mortality and morbidity.

What is Intranatal Care - Antenatal Screening

# delivering of intranatal care:

a) Domiciliary care:
* Mothers with normal obstetric history can be advised to have their confinement in their own homes, provided the home conditions are satisfactory. Such kind of delivery may be conducted by the health worker, female or trained dais and is known as 'Domiciliary midwifery service'.

Advantage of domiciliary care:

1) The familiar surroundings of the home may tend to remove the fear associated with delivery in the hospital.
2) Cross infection-generally fewer at home than in the MCH clinic/hospital; and
3) The mother is able to keep on eye on her children and domestic affairs which may tend to ease her mental tension.

Disadvantages of domiciliary care:

1) Less medical and nursing supervision than in the clinic/hospital.
2) The mother may have less rest
3) The mother may resume herb domestic duties too soon, and
4) Diet of the mother may be neglected.

What is Intranatal Care - Antenatal Screening

B. Institutional care:

*This is recommended for all "high risk" pregnancies, and where home conditions are unsuitable.
*The length of stay in the hospital will vary with the nature of the case. In normal cases, the present practice of early discharge is not considered wrong. In selected cases, it is wiser to allow the mother a few days rest in the hospital.

Keeping the body's crib by the side of the mother's bed is called rooming in Merits of rooming-in.
1) Gives an opportunity for the mother to know her baby, thus a good mother-child bonding is established.
2) Mothers get a chance to practice breast feeding of babies.

3) Allays the fear in the mother's mind that the baby is not misplaced in the baby room. It also builds up her self-confidence.

Treatment For Cervical Spinal Stenosis - Vertebrae

From an early age that we're the backbone of education. The vertebrae (backbone / vertebral column) to do things that we know better? In response to an only yes heard the word, but after you know everything that's inside, but many say the trend is declining.

Treatment For Cervical Spinal Stenosis - Vertebrae

Spinal cord at the back of the body is very sturdy bones (vertebrae - vertebra) to create objects such as bars one of which is curved so much power, they're listening - but it is not easy to keep the spine straight. The whole backbone of the whole clause to create three vertebrae, almost every one of those who can easily move right and left, the front - back - right - Left, the backbone of what can never keep straight? Of course, the only one around who have strong muscles to keep the spine straight, the normal way, but all of the healthy human spinal cord is slightly curved.

Backbone structure of the vertebrae took part in the 7 in the throat, but the cervical vertebra (C1 - C7), 1 does have a chest along with the thoracic vertebra (T1 - T12), brushed along with 5 of the Lumber vertebra (L1-L5), 5 of whom were in the tail Sacral vertebra (S1-S5). The location is less than the Coccyx, we understand, will serve as a convenience to him.

Treatment For Cervical Spinal Stenosis - Vertebrae

Each of the vertebrae of a large leakage (spinal canal), which is part of the brain, spinal cord and increased vascular is important. The two adjacent vertebrae in the next two holes (intervertebral foreman) is the through the body is very important nerves or nerve out of the body Muscle brain associated with them, such as the neck of the 8 pairs (cervical nerve),  Book 1 pair (Thoracic nerve), brushed along the 5 pairs (Lumber nerve) and the four pairs of air (Sacral nerve). This direct control of the body is the brain of the Muscle.

Between each vertebra is connected by several Ligament and Muscle. Between two adjacent vertebrae are like the Cushion is a ring, called the intervertebral disc. The main work of the two vertebrae together to avoid conflicts between their movements and keep stable. This is when all the elements of a ligament, intervertebral discs, vertebrae Muscle or someone with a similar problem occurs when the nerves going to carry the load and the surrounding Muscle pain is feeling. For example, if the throat neck pain, pain in the chest, the back, waist pain in the waist, and so on. Just what is it? This problem is increased when the nerve is damaged, then it's more complicated if the symptoms can be complex. The hand - I have been asleep, the inability to control urination or closet velocity more than that.

How To Take Care Of Teeth - Dental Care Dentist Near Me

Diabetes can damage the teeth and gums.

Teeth and gums may be a problem with anyone. Your teeth with a sticky bacteria that can read the full cover. This helps to create bacteria in the blood glucose. You are red, swollen gums dusk and you will see that it will do when you brush. People with diabetes often have problems with teeth and gums, the amount of glucose in their blood. Additional blood glucose teeth and gums can worsen the problem. You can even lose your teeth. Smoking is bad for your gums disease categories.
If you damage your teeth and gums is to know how?

Your teeth and gums can lead to wounds due to diabetes, if you have one or more of these problems –

* Red, blackish and swollen gums
* Gums bleed from
* Gums away from the teeth so that your teeth look longer.
* Smelly breath
* Teeth bite, which would be the other way
* Artificial teeth are not the best.

How To Take Care Of Teeth - Dental Care Dentist Near Me

How do you keep your teeth and gums healthy?

* Amount of blood glucose levels close to normal as possible should.
* At least once a day, but can be used in dental floss.
* Use regular dentist about dental floss sticky (Dental pluck) adhesive coating prevents read.
* If you use artificial teeth that he should be clean.
* from your doctor will know how to brush teeth and dental floss to use and more accurate tooth brush and paste, which is used to know.
* Check with your doctor if you have red teeth, gums dusk or in the blood fall, gums away from the teeth, and a sore tooth, which can lead to infection or pain in your artificial teeth should be.
* Dental care for your teeth and gums twice a year with make clear.
* Dental surgeon who will tell you whether or not you have diabetes.
* If you smoke, please consult with a doctor to know how to do without smoking.

Male and female patients suffering from diabetes and tooth brush,  dental floss after meals continue to be used.

Varicose Veins Treatment - Varicose Veins Pain

It's a vein (vascular) disease. If any part of the body, the veins can expand the length and width of the vein becomes varicose him. 100 percent of the people who get the disease. The foot and hand veins can be seen in this disease, but this disease can cause the veins in the body at any place.

There are various causes of varicose vein disease, usually because they have been damaged vein or vein valve is a disease. If the veins infections, pregnancy, abdominal tumors or water stock, professional ear long time standing (traffic police), but the diseases can be.

Varicose Veins Treatment - Varicose Veins Pain

Between the toes, ankle wrist saphenous vein varicose vein can be seen that, in the vein of the patient is experiencing pain. It looks a quite clumsy thick vein just below the skin is thick. Do not purchase long-term treatment of foot ulcer  may blow, gangrene leg nerves may be damaged. Bleeding from these veins starts to hurt a little longer due to the potential. Defense forces or the police if you want to work as a varicose vein becomes a major obstacle.

Medical teams have been better varicose vein is a possibility, it's the only treatment operations. This operation is part of asleep at the waist. striper machine called  a vascular surgeon came in mass to survive the faulty vein.

Varicose Veins Treatment - Varicose Veins Pain

Varicose vein operation before the patient must be informed before the deep veins of the leg (Deep vein), but there is good, this operation can not be otherwise. Duplex scanning for diagnosis of the patient's feet  must be examined.  If this operation is not a deep vein in the patient's leg is hurt. 

legs after varicose vein operation crepe bandage are worn. A Pause in the first 7-8 days after it is a must. Then, about three months after I was there, and the rest of the night taking the time to keep up.

The World Health Organization - International Health Agencies

International health agencies can be classified into as follows.

1. Agencies related to United Nations.
2. Bilateral (to United Nations) Agencies and
3. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

The World Health Organization - International Health Agencies

A. United Nations agencies:

1. World Health Organizations (WHO)
3. United Nations Development Programmed (UNDP)
4. Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO)
5. International Labor Organization (ILO)
6. World Bank
7. United Nations Family Planning Association (UNEPA)
8. Asian Development Bank (ADB)

2. Colombo Plan
6. ODA

C. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

2. Rockefeller Foundation
3. Ford Foundation
4. CARE (Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere)
5. International Red Cross
7. Save the children fund
8. Path Finder International
9. Terrides Home (Switzerland)
10. HEED
12. Health Keller international
13. Asia Foundation
14. Church World service
15. International Planned parenthood Federation
16. Family Planning International Assistance (FPIA)
17. Assistance for build Children (ABC)
18. Rabitat-e-Alam-Al-Islam

19. International Islamic Relief Organization.

4 Dimensions Of Wellness - Dimensions Of Health

There are four major dimensions of health included in the WHO definition of health-physical, mental, social and spiritual, Besides these much more may be cited, e.g., emotional, vocational, political, philosophical, cultural, socioeconomic, environmental, educational, nutritional, curative and preventive. 

1. Physical Dimension:

It is concerned with physical health and conceptualizes health biologically as a state in which every cell and every organ are functioning at optimum capacity and in perfect harmony with the rest of the body.

2. Mental dimension:

* It conceptualizes that mental health is not the mere absence of mental illness. It defines mental health as "A state of balance between the individual and the surrounding world, a state of harmony between oneself and others, coexistence between the realities of the self and that of other people, and that of the environment"
* A recent concept of mental dimension is that psychological factors can induce all kinds of illness, not simply mental ones, such as essential hypertension, peptic ulcer and bronchial asthma.

4 Dimensions Of Wellnes- Dimensions Of Health

3. Social Dimension:

* It conceptualizes that a human being cannot achieve in isolation his or her full potential in any aspect of his or her life including health. Social health takes into account that every individual is a part of a family which again is a component of community and society at large. Thus, health has a component of social well-being.
* The social dimension of health includes the levels of social skills of an individual, social functioning and the ability to see oneself as a member of a large society.

 4. Spiritual Dimension:

* As a spiritual dimension of human civilization has an important role in fashioning and meaning human life both as an individual and as a member of the society, so it has an impact on health and disease.

* Spiritual dimension includes human integrity, principles and ethics, meaning and purpose of human existence, commitment to a higher being and certain beliefs and concepts that are not subject to ordinary reasoning.

How To Check Blood Pressure - High Blood Pressure Headache

Blood pressure, cholesterol and blood pressure and cholesterol levels to normal when the treatment becomes. When medical leave, he looks normal levels for this time. But showing normal blood pressure or cholesterol medicine that can not be turned off. The drug works against hypertension, heart disease, blood pressure control, in addition to its beneficial role in many of them there are. So many of these are prescription drugs, even though they are not intended to control high blood pressure.

This is fixed in such a way that the drug levels than normal blood pressure is down. Blood disease patient's blood may not be so easy to condense and freeze, a lot of the time that is given to drugs. Regular blood clot blocking a blood test to see the effectiveness of the drugs. Blood clot prevention drug is suddenly turned off. Quite close to the supervision of the doctor.

Cancer Symptoms And Type Of Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment has been developed - one - third of cancers can be prevented, one - third can be cured, and one - third of the treatment is to relieve. Some of the reasons that the number of preventable cancer, that is, smoking, carry chewing tobacco, rose and khaini be used, under-age marriage, obesity, and hepatitis B and C virus attack. 

Cancer Symptoms And Type Of Cancer Treatment

The initial symptoms of cancer are not easily search - a wound, the body or the whole appearance of the wheel, the obvious change in wart or mole, feel very tired, loss of appetite, chronic cough or a sore throat or broken, replace the stool (diarrhea, constipation or stools going with the blood), fever, cold night or go sweat, Abnormal Weight reduction - consult the doctor immediately if you have symptoms.

Fatty Liver Disease Treatment - Liver Transplant

Liver weight of five to ten more shares when the disease is filled with fat and fatty acids in the liver. Alcoholic fatty liver is usually due to the Western world. However, in diabetes, a plethora of foods containing sugar, the fat plethora of blood, high blood pressure, obesity and fatty liver is due. 

Fatty Liver Disease Treatment - Liver Transplant

The local inflammation of the liver fat and inflammation in some of the patients with liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and even in some cases may be. This disease has no early symptoms, the disease is usually diagnosed with the disease at the time of testing. Sometimes the upper right abdominal pain, loss of appetite and symptoms may occur. Reduce excess body weight, eat fewer calories and less fatty foods, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol in the blood and take the appropriate medical treatment with drugs other than playing the fatty liver is kept under control.

Child Healthcare Tips - Baby Monitor

A. Terms

1. Live birth: Live birth is the complete extraction of a product of conception from its mother irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which breaths or shows any other sign of life after separation.
2. Still birth: Delivery of a fetus after 28 weeks of pregnancy which shows no sign of life.
3. Perinatal period: From 28 weeks of pregnancy to first 7 completed days of life.
4. Neonatal period: First 28 days of life.
5. Infant death (mortality): Death of newborn within 28 days of life.
6. Neonatal death (mortality): Death of newborn within 28 days of life.
7. Perinatal death (mortality): Death of a fetus after 28 weeks of gestation till 1 week of life.
8. Post-neonatal death (mortality): Death of a newborn after the neonatal period but before reaching the age of one year.

Child Healthcare Tips - Baby Monitor



* Newness weighing above 2000gm or having a gestational maturity of 37 weeks or more belong to this category.
* The care can be given at hope, sub-Centre, and primary health center levels.
* Basic care at birth, provision of warmth, maintenance of asepsis and promotion of breastfeeding form the mainstay of level 1 care.


* Care of infants weighing between 1500-1800gm or having gestational maturity of 32-36 weeks need specialized neonatal care supervised by trained nurses and pediatricians:
* Equipment for resuscitation, maintenance of thermoneutral environment, intravenous infusion, gavage feeding, phototherapy and exchange blood transfusion should be provided in level 2 care.


* This is intensive neonatal care required for critically ill babies and for those weighing less than 1500gm or those born before 32 weeks of gestation.

* Perinatal centers with round the clock facilities for monitoring and having life support systems like ventilators etc. are best suited to provide intensive neonatal care.

Dimensions Of Health - New Dimensions Dimensions Healthcare

There are four major dimensions of health included in the WHO definition of health-physical, mental, social and spiritual. Besides these much more may be cited, e.g., vocational, political, philosophical, cultural, socioeconomic, environment, educational, nutritional, curative and preventive.

1. Physical dimension:

It is concerned with physical health and conceptualizes health biologically as a state in which every cell and every organ are functioning at optimum capacity and in perfect harmony with the rest of the body.
Dimensions Of Health - New Dimensions

2. Mental dimension

It conceptualizes that mental health is not the mere absence of mental illness. It defines mental health as "A state of balance between the individual and the surrounding world, a state of harmony between oneself and others, a coexistence between the realities of the self and that of other people, and that of the environment".
A recent concept of mental dimension is that psychological factors can induce all kinds of illness, not simply mental ones, such as essential hypertension, peptic ulcer and bronchial asthma.

3. Social dimension:

It conceptualizes that a human being cannot achieve in isolation his or her full potential in any aspect of his or her life including health. Social health takes into account that every individual is a part of a family which again is a component of a community and society at large. Thus, health has a component of social well-being.
The social dimension of health includes the levels of social skills of an individual, social   functioning and the ability to see oneself as a member of a large society.

4. Spiritual dimension:

As a spiritual dimension of human civilization has an important role in fashioning and meaning human life both as an individual and as a member of the society, so it has an impact on health and disease.

Spiritual dimension includes human integrity, principles and ethics, meaning and purpose of human existence, commitment to a higher being and certain beliefs and concepts that are not subject to ordinary reasoning.

Extreme Weight Loss And Healthy Dieting

Here are some tips to improve your health and to look so attractive personality. We know that awareness, proper exercise, drinking pure water is so helpful and needed to keep our body fit. Yes, it's right but I especially suggest that mind is so helpful like these. Firstly we need to control our mind and then try others. You know guys I believe, there is a rule, and here is a success. So first we should maintain some easy rules like - 
Eat a healthy breakfast.
Regular exercise.
Proper sleep.

Extreme Weight Loss And Healthy Dieting

Now I wanted to say something others.

First, you should write down your reasons for wanting to diet control. Because it having clearly identified reasons helps your feeling of commitment.
Make meals automatically healthy, balanced and satisfying. Have at least 6-8 glasses of low calories drinks over the day. Focus instead on improving your health and you will become slim and healthy. you should eat more and more fruits, vegetables and never skip a meal especially breakfast and eat healthy snacks between meals.
At last, learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss.